مجلة بحوث الإدارة والاقتصاد
Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 547-571

Quality Of Work Life And Its Impact On The Scientific Productivity Of Teaching Staff At The Faculty Of Economic, Commercial And Management Sciences At The University Of Jijel

Authors : Boukhedouni Lokman .


This study aims to determine the impact of quality of work life on the scientific productivity of teaching staff at the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences of the University of jijel. The analytical descriptive approach was used, relying on the survey as a basic tool for collecting data on study variables. It was distributed to a sample of 280 faculty members. The study found a strong impact of quality of work life on scientific productivity in the institution in question. This effect was limited to the dimension of human relations and to opportunities for growth and job security, while there was no strong impact on dimensions (rewards, working conditions, opportunities for human development, career and personal balance, career promotion opportunities, constitutional rights and the syndicate role). Differences at the level of signage are attributed to both the gender variable (male) and the social situation variable (a single) and the absence of differences in variables (age group, grade, years of service, monthly income). Keyword: Quality of Work Life, Scientific Productivity.


Quality of Work Life, Scientific Productivity.