مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 333-349

Stimulating Domestic Tourism In Algeria: The Role Of Social Media In Revitalizing Local Destinations

Authors : Madi Sabri . Bensouilah Lilia .


This article examines the underutilized potential of social media in stimulating domestic tourism in Algeria, a sector that has faced significant challenges due to economic perceptions and political instability. Despite its rich cultural heritage and scenic landscapes, domestic tourism in Algeria remains underdeveloped, with many Algerians preferring international travel. The paper highlights the pivotal role that social media can play in altering this trend by effectively promoting local destinations and engaging Algerian tourists. Through an analytical approach, it explores how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be leveraged to enhance the visibility of local attractions, influence tourist decisions, and foster a sense of pride and belonging among locals. The study employs qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data on current social media usage and its impact on tourism choices. Recommendations are provided for tourism stakeholders to craft strategies that utilize social media not only as a promotional tool but also as a means to rejuvenate and economically support the regions dependent on tourism. The findings suggest that with strategic social media use, domestic tourism in Algeria can flourish, benefiting both the economy and the preservation of cultural heritage.


Stimulating Domestic Tourism ; The Role of Social Media ; Revitalizing ; Local Destinations