افاق للعلوم
Volume 9, Numéro 3, Pages 154-174

Mother-daughter Bond (un)bound In Jamaica Kincaid’s Annie John: Women’s Mothering Reproduced

Authors : Bendjemil Khawla .


This paper explores the protagonist's journey in forming her identity in Jamaica Kincaid's Annie John. It utilizes Freud's psychosexual development and Chodorow's mother-daughter relationship theories to analyze Annie's dynamics with her parents. Despite her efforts to distance herself from her mother, a yearning for reunion persists, leading to the replication of maternal attitudes in her relationships with girls. The study explains Annie's rebellious phases, her resistance to separating from her mother, and her rejection of traditional gender roles. It investigates her identity formation in relation to her parents, her interactions with both genders and her unconventional attachment to her mother.


Mother-daughter relationship ; Identity construction ; Pychosexual development ; father-daughter relationship ; Reproduced mothering