دراسات تراثية
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 103-128

المساجد العثمانية في الجزائر وطرازها المعماري ومظاهرها الفنية الزّخرفية

الكاتب : سعيد بوزرينة .


ظهر في الجزائر خلال العهد العثماني طرازان في العمارة الدّينية – المساجد - أحدهما محلي والآخر وافد، إلى جانب المظاهر الفنية الزخرفية. وتنوعت عمائر المساجد في تخطيطها العام، وتخطيط وحداتها ومختلف أجزائها وعناصرها المعمارية ومظاهرها الفنية الزخرفية، وهو التنوع الذي لم يسبق وأن عرفته الجزائر قبل العهد العثماني، وهو يعكس مدى تأثر المعماري والفنان بالتقاليد التركية في شتى المجالات، وتظهر تلك التأثيرات في ما يلي: استخدام القباب المركزية المضلعة، شكل المآذن المثمنة، استخدام المنابر الرخامية الثابتة، استخدام البلاطات الخزفية على نطاق واسع في المحاريب، وتكسية الجدران، استخدام أساليب وعناصر زخرفية عثمانية، مثل الأسلوب الرومي، وعناصر الأزهار مثل زهرة اللاله والقرنفل، والأشجار كشجرة السرو، وبعض الأشكال الرمزية كالأهلة والنّجوم. The Ottoman mosques in Algeria, its architectural style and its decorative artistic features. Abstract: In Algeria during the Ottoman period, there were two models in the religious architecture - the mosques - one local and the other expatriate - as well as decorative artistic features. And the diversity of the buildings of the mosques in the general planning, and planning of its units and various parts and elements of architecture and decorative art, a diversity that has never been known before the Ottoman era of Algeria, and reflects the extent of the impact of the architect and artist Turkish traditions in various fields, and show these effects in the following: The use of domed central domes is found in the city of Algiers such as the Safar bin Abdullah Mosque, the Ali Beshin Mosque, the New Mosque, the original Ketchua Mosque, the Pasha Mosque in Oran, and the Ain al-Bayda Mosque at the Mosque and Mosque of Saleh Bai in Annaba. The shape of the minarets, in both the Mosque of Al-Barani and the Great Mosque in Algiers, and Al-Baha Mosque in Oran, and the use of minaret minarets in both Sidi el Kattani Mosque in Constantine and Saleh Bay Mosque in Annaba. The use of fixed marble platforms, we find that in the original mosque of Kashwa, the mosque of Saleh Bay in Annaba. While the Ottoman influence in decorative artistic manifestations, is as follows: The use of ceramic tiles on a large scale in the niches, and the cladding of the walls, such as the Iron Mosque, the Mosque of the Dai (Mosque of the Kasbah) in the city of Algiers, and the Sidi el Kettani Mosque in Constantine. The use of Ottoman decorative methods and elements, such as the Roman style, elements of flowers such as the flower of the goddess and carnations, trees such as cypress trees, and some symbolic forms such as the family and the stars, we find this in the mosque of the Pasha in Oran, the new mosque in Algiers, the mosque of Sidi el Kettani in Constantine. The Algerian architect also incorporated Moroccan styles and traditions, which are known as local styles, to the Ottoman styles brought by the Ottomans, which are called the "imported" style, where the two styles coexist side by side. This research will also be enriched with various drawings, photographs, forms and panels.

الكلمات المفتاحية

المنظومة المعماريةP المنظومة الفنيةP الطراز المحلي والوافدP القبة المركزيةP التأثيرات العثمانية. The architectural system; The artistic system; The local and foreign styles; The central dome; The Ottoman influences.