دراسات معاصرة
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 464-474

Does (not) Digital Technology Pave The Way To Promote Learning Autonomy Of First Year Students Of English At Skikda University

Authors : Badi Nezha .


The present study investigates the perceptions of English as a foreign language (EFL) students and their teachers at Skikda University of the effectiveness of using digital technology to grant the autonomy required in learning. Although the findings of the questionnaire administered to 60 students and the interview conducted with six teachers revealed that they have a positive attitude towards digital technology in raising learners’ control over their learning process, they seem to be ambivalent. Both teachers and students reported some challenges related mainly to poor internet connectivity, classroom noise, and the limited time devoted for classroom instruction.


autonomy ; digital technology ; EFL students and teachers ; perceptions