المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 423-437

The Effect Of Group Cohesion Of Work Groups On Learning Among Adolescent Learners In Individual Activities In The Lesson Of Physical Education And Sports.

Authors : Mokhtari Yacine .


In physical education and sports classes, group cohesion is often discussed in the context of team activities rather than individual ones. In this article, I aim to highlight the relationship between group cohesion in work teams (known as ‘afwaj’) and its impact on students’ achievements and learning during their individual activities. Among the research findings, it was observed that group cohesion positively influences students’ learning outcomes and enhances their performance in individual activities prescribed in physical education and sports classes. This is evident in the changes recorded between diagnostic and achievement assessments, given the role social relationships play in creating a healthy learning environment for students.”


group cohesion ; learning ; work teams ; students ; physical education and sports classes