Cahiers de Traduction
Volume 30, Numéro 1, Pages 78-95

Investigating Students' Perspectives On Directionality In Translation: Case Of Second-year License Students Of English At The University Of Ghardaia

Authors : Hadj Mahammed Smail .


Abstract: This study investigated students' perspectives on translation directionality at the University of Ghardaia. A questionnaire examined 40 students' perceptions of difficulty between Arabic-English and English-Arabic translation, preferred direction, self-rated abilities, practice frequency, and challenges. Results showed diversity in views, with some finding Arabic-English more difficult and others English-Arabic. Most preferred Arabic-English translation, though over 40% had no preference. Students rated abilities positively and practiced occasionally in both directions, with over 60% believing English-Arabic improved language skills. Common challenges in both directions included vocabulary and choosing words between languages as well as translating cultural references and idioms. This study provides insights into diverse translation direction experiences and how directionality impacts learning. Findings can inform curriculum design and support for both translation directions.


Translation ; directionality ; Arabic-English translation ; second-year ; University of Ghardaia