مجلة دراسات في الاقتصاد وإدارة الأعمال
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 444-462

Influencer Marketing And Its Impact On The Visual Identity Of The Brand: Study Case Sample Of Followers Of Algerian Influencers

Authors : Djouad Maroua .


The rapid proliferation of information and communication technologies has prompted a paradigm shift in organizational marketing strategies, steering them away from conventional approaches towards contemporary ones. A notable method in this new landscape is influencer marketing. This research is dedicated to examining the influence of influencer marketing on a brand's visual identity as perceived by consumers. To achieve this, a survey was administered to a randomly selected group of 60 Algerian consumers. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS23, incorporating various statistical tests. The findings of the study reveal a statistically significant impact of influencer marketing on the visual identity of brands from the consumer viewpoint. This impact is discernible across several dimensions, namely electronic word of mouth, influencers' promotional activities concerning the brand, and the influencers' personal experiences and interactions with the brand.


Influencer marketing ; digital marketing ; visual identity ; brand