مجلة دراسات في الاقتصاد وإدارة الأعمال
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 345-364

The Role Of Business Incubators In The Success Of Innovative Projects ( Presto Innovative Project As A Model )

Authors : Baitiche Khalida . Chirouf Fadila .


Business incubators are considered one of the most important mechanisms that have proven high efficiency in supporting startups and innovative projects for their development and success; they provide various types of support (financial, human, monetary, technological, etc.) ensuring that these projects overcome their reasons for failure and overcome obstacles to their continuity and development. Innovators carrying these projects have demonstrated the ability to contribute to economic development in many countries worldwide; they possess distinctive features compared to large-sized companies, with innovation being a key characteristic. this research aims to define the concepts of business incubators, their types, characteristics, and objectives; additionally, it highlights the concepts of innovative projects and those hosted by the innoest incubator; the research seeks to identify the mechanisms and strategies employed in the incubation process, delving into the detailed aspects of success achieved in the innovative project presto.


Entrepreneurial education ; business incubators ; entrepreneurial mindset ; innovative projects ; , innoest