المقريزي للدراسـات الاقتصادية والمـالية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 444-464

The Role Of Human Resources Management In Improving The Quality Of Services –” A Case Study Of The Algerian Telecom Institution- Ain Timouchent”

Authors : Larabi Oukacha .


For more than two decades, Algeria has been seeking to diversify its economy by reducing hydrocarbons dominance on its exports. human resources management therefore, has gained considerable attention in new Algerian economic policies. The main purpose of this work is to highlight the impact of human resources management on quality of services. To achieve such goal, a field study including a sample of workers in Algeria Telecom in Ain Timouchent, which is active in the field of services. was carried out SPSS package’s outputs points out the existence of a strong statistical impact of various forms of human resources management such as training function, motivation on quality of services. We notice however, a complete absence of any effect of other forms of human resources management such as evaluation function, leasing in quality of services


Keywords: Human Resource Management, Motivation, Training, Evaluation, Leasing, Quality of Services