Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 539-555

Charlotte Perkins Gilman Against Chauvinism Depicted In Her Work "the Yellow Wallpaper"

Authors : Nour Elhouda Remil .


Abstract: Through hard times, one can be creative. Charlotte Perkins is a writer, a feminist and an activist. Though she has a decent place in society, she has many struggles. In her pregnancy, she has suffered the baby blue as a postpartum depression. Her male doctor has advised her to try the rest cure. The author has written the Yellow Wallpaper as a reaction to the personal experience she had. In her story "the Yellow Wallpaper", Charlotte Perkins has attempted to show how women are depicted in the late 1960s. The present study aims to analyse the Yellow Wallpaper from the feminists points of view, and how the author has shown the discrimination she has been facing. The research tends to highlight how females have tried to survive in a patriarchal society where their voice was not even heard.


Feminist ; charlotte Perkins ; depicted ; Yellow Wallpaper