مجلة إقتصاد المال والأعمال
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 349-364

An Exploratory Study On The Role Of Evidence-based Management In Achieving Business Excellence

Authors : Kermani Houda .


This study aims to shed light on a modern concept in the Management of organizations, which is Evidence-Based Management, and how it can achieve the Business Excellence that each Organisation seeks to reach. In order to show the relationship between the two variables, a questionnaire was distributed to a sample of institutions, and we found that there is a significant relationship between the application of Evidence-Based Management in all its dimensions, and the achievement of Business Excellence, by making the right decisions based on scientific studies and experiments, objectively away from bias and intuition, to reduce the gap between theoretical studies and management practices.


Evidence-Based Management ; Evidence-Based Practices ; Business Excellence ; Decision Making ; Challenges