Revue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieur
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 16-26

Comportement Mecanique D’un Sol Expansif Stabilise Par Ajout De Sable De Dune

Auteurs : K Gueddouda . I Goual . M Lamara . S Goual .


This study has been conducted on three types of soils extracted from the region of Laghouat in the south of Algeria, where damages has been recorded (damage of structure, cracking and partial destruction of road pavements). In the first stage the swelling of soils is estimated using indirect methods based on the geotechnical characteristics than the swelling parameters are measured, thereafter the measurement of different compoenents of suction ( total and matriciel ) is realised. The second stage of this investigation is concerned with the study of the effect of dune sand addition on the swelling potential of soils. Sand addition leads to a substantial reduction in the swelling parameters. By the end, a study of stabilized soil strength is achieved at different state of saturation. The results show that an increase of soil strenght with percentage of sand addition.

Mots clés

expansive soils, stabilisation, suction, shear strength, Algeria

Effet De L'ajout De Sable De Dune Sur Le Potentiel De Gonflement Des Argiles

M.k. Gueddouda .  M. Lamara .  A. Hachichi .  I. Goual . 
pages 15-22.

Contribution A L’etude Du Comportement Filtrant Du Systeme Sol Géotextile : Approche Expérimentale Impliquant Le Sable D’oum

Seghir Karima .  Houam Abdelkader .  Khelfaoui Souheila .  Faure Yves Henri . 
pages 51-59.

Durabilite Des Mortiers à Base De Sable Alluvionnaire Siliceux Substitué Par Du Sable Calcaire De Concassage Vis-a-vis Des Agressions Chimiques

Bounoua Abdelkrim .  Boukhelkhal Aboubakeur .  Bederina Madani .  Makhloufi Zoubir . 
pages 34-39.