Communication science et technologie
Volume 14, Numéro 2, Pages 55-65

Evolution Des Proprietes Hydromecaniques D’un Sol Argileux Expansif Avec La Distance Axiale A La Colonne De La Chaux

Auteurs : Abdelmadjid Lasledj . Nabil Kebaili . Mohammed Benhouna .


Abstract: The purpose of this work is to study the evolution of the effect of lime columns treatment for expansive clayey soil with the axial distance to the column. The study is realized in local soil from In-Amenas. Two hydromechanical properties of soil (swelling and linear shrinkage) were followed during six months of maturation and three axial distances of evaluation were chosen. The results indicated that significant improvement of swelling and shrinkage is attained at long term for axial distance to the column below to 1 m. After 6 months, the swelling pressure decreases from 360 kPa for the non treated soil to 35 kPa and 60 kPa with treatment for the axial distance to column 30 cm and 90 cm respectively. Thus, the potential of linear shrinkage reduced from 13,5 % for the non treated soil to 2,8 % till 3,7 % with treatment for the axial distance to column 30 cm and 90 cm respectively. The little and limited improvements of hydrodynamics properties were be observed for the axial distance 150 cm.

Mots clés

Key words: clayey soil / lime columns / treatment / lime-clay reactions / swelling/ linear shrinkage