المجلة الدولية للاتصال الاجتماعي
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 84-99

Strategic Management And Its Role In Activating Social Auditing Processes A Field Study In The Algerian Foreign Bank

Authors : Zerfaoui Amel .


Organizations in different parts of the world hastened to adopt a new management style and employ it to develop various areas of work in them, to change the principles and foundations that seemed to have gained a solid foundation, especially its reliance on modern methods of management to support the achievement of the objectives of the institutions and to bring about sufficient gradual improvements to meet the current and upcoming challenges, Finally, the study summarizes the recognition of the need to modernize the Algerian administration to face the internal and external challenges facing the banking administration in the world, because the traditional administrative methods are no longer suitable for dealing with the modern environment, which is constantly practicing planned.


management; Development; the performance; social auditing; human resource.