مجلة سيميائيات
Volume 19, Numéro 1, Pages 666-676

Challenging The 19th Century Ideals: Unobserved Sexual Transcripts In The Narrative Of Sojourner Truth

Authors : Guettaia Seyf Eddine .


Sojourner Truth was a former slave in Hurley, New York becoming one of the main appreciable voices who defended by all means the right of the slaves before and after the emancipation of bondage back to the nineteenth century. Her very famous account entitled The Narrative of Sojourner Truth was one of a kind as it exhibited a different form of the slave narratives counting on her friend Olive Gilbert to write for her. This work was a commercial success and gained admiration as well as sympathy to the slaves’ case in general and Truth’s life most specifically. Yet and Unlike other slaves’ tales that belonged to the same period (the Antebellum Era), this one was a kind of tame concerning sexual harassment leaving multiple questions to be asked about the reasons which led both the writer and the amanuensis to present it in this manner. Henceforth, the fundamental purpose of this article is to uncover the different hidden sexual messages in the Narrative of Sojourner Truth and to answer the question in relation to Olive Gilbert’s interference in the account.


Slavery ; Slave Narratives ; Sexuality ; Sojourner Truth ; Olive Gilbert