مجلة التميز
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 16-23

The Role Of Kindergarten In The Development Of The Sensory Aspect Of The Child

الكاتب : خويلدي الهواري . بن سعيد مجمود . محي الدين جمال سليم .


Considering that the stage of kindergartens is one of the most educational stages in the formation of the personality and composition of the child because it is flexible and the child is more responsive to learning behaviors and movements, and prepare the child for his life because it provides a suitable environment that reveals his abilities and talents and helps him to think regularly and take care Mental and physical health as it works to remove the fear or fear it may be when he leaves the house to find himself in a new environment and under the auspices of strangers, and the kindergarten strengthens the child courage and courage and not shyness and affected the return aspects including the sensory aspect of the motor.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Kindergarten The sensory-motor aspect Child