Algerian Review of Ottoman and Mediterranean Studies
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 61-75

نشاط قبائل الشعانبة على الحدود الطرابلسية الجزائرية مطلع القرن العشرين وموقف الإدارتين العثمانية والفرنسية منه من خلال وثائق الأرشيف العثماني

الكاتب : لكحل الشيخ .


In this research paper, the researcher deals with the problem of the activity of the Chaamba tribes on the Tripolitan-Algerian borders at the beginning of the twentieth century and the position of the Ottoman and French administrations regarding it. In studying this problem, the researcher relied on translating and studying some of the documents who had seen in the Ottoman Archives. At the end, The researcher concluded that the activity of the Chaamba tribes, during the period under study, was not acceptable to the French or the Ottomans. And that the military actions of this tribes on the Tripoli border, was a cycle of resistance against the French colonialist, and those groups were not related to the Ottoman authority in Tripoli, and did not work in its favor.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Chaamba ; Ottoman authorities ; France ; Archives