مجلة العلوم والخبرة وتكنولوجية النشاط البدني والرياضي
Volume 2, Numéro 3, Pages 1-14

. تأثير برنامج تدريبي مبني على تمارين الحس العميق (la Proprioception) في الوقاية من بعض الإصابات الشائعة لدى أواسط كرة اليد .

الكاتب : بوسعدية يعقو ب . خروبي محمد فيصل . سفير حاج .


This study aims to study the effect of proprioception training in injury prevention of young handballers. For this purpose, we used the experimental method on an intentional sample of (12) male handball players subdivided into two homogeneous groups (control group and experimental group) from Noudjoum Bougaa -Setif- for 6 weeks of training, and for data collection, we used the physical tests (A unipodal balance test). After collecting the results and having treated them statistically, we conclude that the proprioception training had a positive effect on strength of lower limbs and injury prevention of young handballers. The study recommends using proprioception training in the physical preparation process at the beginning of training session in order to develop effectively the strength of lower limbs and protect the players of common Injuries in handball.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Athletic training – Proprioception training- handball