مجلة الميادين الإقتصادية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 464-486

The Repercussions Of The Gas Crisis On The European Economy

Authors : Larab Sarah .


Europe has been going through an unprecedented energy crisis for almost eleven months, because since the spring, Russia has used its remaining supplies as leverage to force countries to ease sanctions on financial transactions and technologies. Since the beginning of July, it has only sent a third of the volumes planned. Gas prices in the European Union have therefore increased more than tenfold and European governments are trying to protect consumers against this price shock, by distributing billions in subsidies. EU sanctions against Russia have led to a significant reduction in Russian supply. This research paper aims to determine the particularities of gas and thus study the consequences of the gas crisis on the European economy.


Natural gas ; Hydrocarbons ; Renewable energies ; Economic crisis ; European economy