مجلة البصائر للبحوث في العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 26-37

The Development Of Hybrid Systems For The Production Of Autonomous Electricity Specific To The Renewable Potential Of The Islands

Authors : Dahmani Souria .


In recent decades, decentralized electrification has become cost-effective and practical; particularly for islands, where extending the main grid is not economically viable. That said, the most widely used stand-alone grids are the most appropriate for power generation, where electricity in these regions generally relies on diesel fuel, often imported over long distances. Electricity production costs can be reduced by installing hybrid systems coupled to diesel generators. These are made possible by cost reductions in renewable technologies. The potential of renewable energies on the islands is crucial to reducing the cost of electricity. This allows populations to benefit from an affordable source of electricity and improved quality of life without waiting for the grid to be extended.


Electricity ; Autonomous grid ; Renewable energy ; Hybridization ; Island