Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 864-880

A Mindset Shift Towards Fostering Students’ Actor-hood Through Increased Student-centred Settings Within Higher Education

Authors : Boulebnane Abdelmoumen . Bouchama-sari Ahmed Fizya .


In order to forge graduates endowed with the necessary skills and needed profiles in today’s labour market, higher education institutions have gradually started to emphasize the adoption of student-centred learning (SCL). For learning to be truly student-centred, it demands an increased actor-hood from students which can be seen in the effective implementation of their agentic opportunities. Throughout the confusion revolving around the SCL concept, this paper suggests key tenets to be considered in order to maintain and promote students’ actor-hood in higher education, which may raise awareness among educators and policy makers and ensures better enactment of student-centredness.


Student-centred learning ; Actor-hood ; Agency ; Mindshift ; Higher education

Fostering Higher Education Students’ Self Regulated Test Preparation Strategies

Benkhedir Nadia Habiba .  Chaib Mohamed Saci . 
pages 539-546.