المجلة الأكادمية للبحوث القانونية والسياسية
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 234-269

Ways To Preserve Environmental Diversity In Algerian Legislation

Authors : Achour Moussa .


Abstract The subject of this research revolves around the study of the means used by Algeria to preserve the Environment and Biodiversity, so that we first discussed the study of the concept of the Environment in International law and in Algerian law; then to the concept of Environmental Protection law, by studying its definition, characteristics and relationship to other laws; and then we touched on studying the Legal Protection of the Environment in the Algerian legislation through studying the areas of Environmental Diversity protection in Algerian law through discussing penal, civil and administrative protection; then we studied the legal mechanisms for environmental protection by discussing the most prominent environmental problems in Algeria and the role of Algeria in Environmental Protection, and we concluded with a set of results related to improving environmental protection and preservation methods.


Environment, Biodiversity, Environmental Protection, Environmental Diversity.