مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 8, Numéro 3, Pages 78-92

English Pronunciation Instruction In Efl Classes Between Priority And Negligence. The Case Of Third Year Efl Pupils In Middle School- Tébessa

Authors : َabid Zineb . Rouaghe Fouzia .


This paper investigates English pronunciation instruction in third year middle school EFL classes. It assumes that pronunciation is neglected in the EFL classroom, leading to errors and poor speech performance. A semi-structured questionnaire is administered to English teachers to answer three questions: 1) Is pronunciation prioritized in EFL syllabuses? 2) Do learners apply pronunciation rules in their speech? 3) Do teachers emphasize correct pronunciation in speaking classes? The results indicate that pronunciation is included but not emphasized in the syllabus. It is mainly taught and assessed through writing rather than speaking. Moreover, the practice and materials are inadequate to develop a good proficiency level. Additionally, the learners are unaware of the correct application of the pronunciation rules, which may reflect the teaching approaches, methods and tools used in the EFL classroom.


English pronunciation ; Pronunciation instruction ; pronunciation errors ; speaking skills