مجلة العلوم القانونية والاجتماعية
Volume 8, Numéro 4, Pages 104-116

The Physical Harm Between Understanding The Muslim Heritage And Reason

Authors : Kaci Moussa Iman .


The physical harm is a bodily injury that causes physical, psychological and social pain. In terms of language, the concept linked to the term "الضّرب-/Aḍḍarb/" in the Arab culture is now determined by physical harm (Beating). Many circumstances contributed to its diffusion and have clearly affected the religious heritage in this regard. As social imagination is the cause of other acts, this fact led to some practices that are contrary to human dignity. Based on that, there are many legal materials intended to protect woman who is the first to suffer from this behavioral disorder, whose effects have reached unsatisfactory levels. That is why, we must search the true meanings of religious texts and the relation linking to what is currently recognized, in order to understand the phenomenon roots by assimilating the real causes toward the fallacies that led to the deviation of the Muslim doctrine from its real purposes.


Concept ; religious heritage ; beating ; woman ; social imagination ; religious texts ; Muslim doctrine