Communication science et technologie
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 91-98

Natural Rubber:part Il: Recent Advancements Ln Thedevelopment Of Nr-based Tpes

Auteurs : F. Riahi . C. Bouremel .


There are many reasons that made researchers investigate difJerent ways to chemically modify Natural Rubber (NR). Before the advent of synthetic rubbers and for many decades Natural Rubber remained a general purpose elastomer used in various applications. However after the commercial success of Styrene Butadiene Styrene thermoplastic elastomers in the late seventies, Natural Rubber producers could nol ajJord not to follow this trend. Their con cern was to face a virtual risk that the consumers would turn to synthetic rubbers in the event of Natural Rubber (NR) not being able to meet their needs or if NR is seen to create a kind of monopoly situation. It was believed that the only way to defend non-tire applications and insure continuous market outlets for NR, was to develop highly technical grades whicli could not easily be substituted by synthetic rubbers. Many studies have therefore been conducted to chemically modify Natural Rubber in order to produce new forms or grades. Examples of such grades are cyclized NR, which is used in adhesive and printing ink formulations, and chlorinated NR, which compensates for the poor oil resistance, inflammability and adhesion to metal substrates of the mother elastomer. The second part of this paper is devoted to an extensive review of the main published work concerning the particular form of modified Natural Rubber which is Thermoplastic Natural Rubber (TPNR). It is hoped that through this contribution, we make available to Algerian researchers from industry and academies, comprehensive material of interest to both scientists and technologists.

Mots clés

Natural Rubber (NR).