مجلة البشائر الاقتصادية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 599-618

Economic Intelligence A Mechanism To Support And Develop Small And Medium Enterprises In Algeria

Authors : Mazari Fatima Zohra . Bouchaour Radia .


The study aims to highlight the contribution of economic intelligence as a mechanism in supporting and developing small and medium enterprises in Algeria, as it is among the most important mechanisms to improve their performance, as their success depends on the extent of their ability to obtain information of sufficient quality and speed that enables them to protect their future and anticipate the changes taking place, in order to make optimal decisions that ensure their survival and continuity in a complex and rapidly changing environment, which makes the integration of intelligence mechanisms Economic in small and medium enterprises is an imperative necessity for their development, support and increase their competitiveness. By following the descriptive approach to the need to transfer information and then analyze it and rely on many sources and references, and in the end the results of the study proved the extent to which economic intelligence contributes to the development and competitiveness of small and medium enterprises and promotes innovation and development in building effective strategies that allow facing risks and supporting decision-making.


Economic Intelligence; small and medium enterprises; Economic Development. JEL Classification: D83,