مجلة البحوث في العلوم المالية والمحاسبية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 730-750

Metaverse Technique: Accounting Practice In A Virtual World

Authors : Mansour Nesrine . Abuyousef Mohammed .


The research aims to describe and discuss Metaverse techniques and how our future digital environment should look, and the accounting practices in a virtual world. A normative approach is considered an appropriate approach for future research. This research contributes to the development of literature related to the Metaverse, specially accounting in terms of virtual word. The results shows that some new skills will be in demand in the near future by using Metaverse in accounting such as technical, digital and creative skills and there is a positive effect on reporting accuracy, anomalous detection and data analysis in respect to accounting profession. Using Metaverse in accounting profession lead to some limitations like the loss of privacy.


Metaverse ; Accounting ; Virtual World ; VR ; AR