Volume 15, Numéro 2, Pages 642-656
Authors : Kouadri Rana . Abdelli Fateh . Laloui Abdelhafid .
The study aims to determine the level of social phobia among younger swimmers in Ain Azel-Algeria's sports complex, where the sample included 50 children (male and female) who were practicing swimming, using the descriptive method as well as Raulin and Wee's social phobia scale Arabization and Legalization from Dr. Madjdi Mohamed Adasouki. After confirming their psychometric properties, the data are also treated by the social sciences' statistical software package, SPSS 26. The results indicate that the level of social phobia among younger swimmers is medium. We should take care to protect our children from this dangerous social disease by monitoring them and ensuring that they do not remain alone.
Social phobia ; Swimming ; Childhood
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Said Houari Amel
pages 257-268.