مجلة المواقف
Volume 19, Numéro 1, Pages 792-813

أحداث خلف الله سعيدة: يونيو 1881 و أبعادها الدولية من خلال النّظرة الإسبانية

الكاتب : كبداني فؤاد . شريف الدين بن دوبه .


The bitter colonial experience in Algeria established the Algerian resistance model, which was characterized by the nature of renewable and unfinished continuity. And all this is a firm belief in one day arriving in Algeria free and independent, this path is all under the motto "defend the land and Islam". All historical research, however brief, has its causes for scientific passion, and in this work we wanted to raise an important topic related to our past and one of its most outstanding men, namely Sheikh Bouamama (1833-1908), who was the hero of the events in Khalf Allah in Saida. This character who made the characteristics of heroism and courage, and made the scene clear through these battles, which showed the Algerian rebel character of everything that is exotic and undesirable. These historical facts have lowered the curtain on a clearly defined subject and it has been decided by consensus on its greatness. It is the theme of rebellious and resistant Algeria, and in fact, it was the epic that marked the 18th and 19th centuries

الكلمات المفتاحية

Sheikh Bouamama, Khalf Allah, Saida, Resistance, Spanish writings