مجلة الدراسات القانونية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 847-865

International Criminal Justice (crimes Against Humanity)

Authors : Mouats Madjid .


Crimes against Humanity has its origin in customary international law, and there was no authoritative definition of these crimes. The concept has evolved via the international criminal tribunals which paved the way for the development of jurisprudence, helping the drafters of Rome Statute to introduce innovations, and enlarge their scope. The process of evolution resulted in an outcome that was significant to the practical effectiveness of the ICC in punishing large-scale and inhumane atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity. As set forth in Rome Statute’s Preamble; these crimes must not go unpunished and their effective prosecution has to be ensured. In fact, the perpetrators of these egregious crimes have been tried and punished. Unfortunely, the sentences provided for by the Statute are not severe enough to ensure deterrence.


Crimes against Humanity ; atrocities-evolution ; Rome Statute ; punishment