المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 620-632

The Effects Of Migration: Deconstructing Common Misconceptions

Authors : Bentebibel Doria Yasmina .


Few political and social issues generate as much passion and controversy as immigration. States adopt different migration policies which are characterised, particularly in developed countries, by a restrictive nature. Migrants are often viewed as a menace to territorial sovereignty and national security, as a challenge to the State’s economy and to the cultural composition of the nation. This security paranoia, serving political and electoral purposes, is often based on received ideas aimed at justifying the adoption of drastic migration policies. A more objective look at the migration phenomenon will however demonstrate the unfoundedness of these arguments, and will prove, on the contrary, that emigration, when rationally managed, has clearly positive effects both on host countries and those of origin.


Migration ; Benefits ; Disadvantages ; Stereotypes ; Demystification