Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 740-750

The Use Of Web-based Questionnaires Among Teachers/ Researchers During The Pandemic Of Covid 19.

Authors : Benghalem Boualem . Melouk Mohamed .


A questionnaire is one of the most used research tools among researchers. Due to the pandemic covid 19, many researchers have shifted from the traditional modes of research to digital ones. This study investigates the effectiveness of online surveys and their advantages in research. Seventeen permanent teachers of English in the department of English language at Belhadj Bouchaib University were asked to answer an online questionnaire. Results showed that teachers of English at Belhadj Bouchaib University had a positive attitude towards online surveys. However, they rarely used them in their research, and online surveys could replace traditional ones due to the advantages provided by this innovative research tool.


online surveys ; questionnaire ; research ; research instruments ; teachers of English