السياسة العالمية
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 978-992

The Interaction Between Environment And Economics To Realize A Stable Development: An Analysis Of The Compatibility Cost

Authors : Mostefaoui Sofiane .


The environment constitutes nowadays a sound pillar of the economic development. It is by then an unequal factor to be taken cautiously into consideration when the government or any economic institution attempts to draw a blueprint for its strategy. In addition to this, many researches had revealed evidently that the environmental indicators play a pivotal role in defining the growth process of many economic indices. Here, the issue is revolving around a pro-cyclical dilemma: does the economic development bring a considerable amelioration system or cause harm? or does the improvement of the eco-system have the needed prerequisites for the development? The paper tries to answer these questions by highlighting how far the nexus economic development-environment is interrelated through the measure of the compatibility paradigm.


Environment ; Economic development ; Compatibility ; Strategic Alliance ; Polluting Industries