Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 369-381

Towards A Socio-psychological Abyss: (algerian) Teens & The (cyber)bullying Threat

Authors : Zouichene Rahma . Bendahmane Ilhem .


One of the main social problems facing the healthy coexistence of people in today’s societies is bullying. Various debates have been sparked over the serious perils that this phenomenon is capable of bringing, especially at the psychological level. Children, being the most delicate social range, are increasingly suffering from the negative impacts of that social plague. The latter witnessed an evolution through time. Currently, it is enlarging its legs to land everywhere, offering bullies the chance to practice their fad effortlessly and non-confrontationally, thanks to technology and the internet. Hence, the writers of this paper intend to lay a research which aims at uncovering the problem of bullying and its traditional and modern types. Mainly, emphases were given to the modern type of it, namely, cyberbullying. Also, this paper spotlights the main negative psychological issues that bullying implants in the lives of people in general, picking out (Algerian) teens as a sample case. For this, statistics and previous research was used to back up the work. Eventually, the writers of this paper suggest some solutions to victims, that might be of help to them to overcome the negative impacts that this social plague can have over their lives.


Algeria ; Children ; Cyber-Bullying ; Psychological Impacts ; Society