مجلة الدراسات المالية والمحاسبية والإدارية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 1-23

Effect Of Adaptation On The Performance Of The Algerian Small And Medium-sized Enterprises “smes”: Neo-institutional Perspective Of Organizations

Authors : Amroune Boudjemaa . Plaisent Michel . Bernard Prosper .


This study investigates the adaptation of Algerian SMEs to their environment by accomplishing adaptation programs, either upgrade programs. We determine the effect of the adaptation program of SMEs to their environment on the performance of SMEs. This research is quantitative and is based on a purely statistical method. The study is done on a large sample of 11 320 SMEs, response rate was 8%. In addition, a quantitative questionnaire was developed. For data analysis, we have mobilized two groups of SMEs, the first group of SMEs beneficiaries of the upgrade program, and the other is none. We compare those two groups. For statistical analysis, we analyze variance: ANOVA and MANOVA. The research has shown that the upgrade programs of Algerian SMEs improve performance. However, the study has some significant practical contributions, including theoretical contributions. Theoretically, we tested the neo-institutional perspective of organizations in the context of developing countries.


Performance ; adaptation or upgrade programs ; a neo-institutional, perspective of organizations ; Algerian SMEs.