مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 5, Numéro 19, Pages 108-121

الصراع السياسي إبان العهد الأموي بين الروايات التاريخية وكتابات الأدباء.

الكاتب : سعدي شخوم .


The political conflict in the Islam history had a more factors that influenced the concept of governance in the path of Islam and the position of the various combinations of successive authorities society, and may satisfy this subject through important sources: -Streptococcus and religious jurisprudence sources. -Classic historical sources. And he noted that the authors of both previous sources was one regardless of their beliefs they understood they were historians, theologians and Jurists, and inviting speakers and omitted other books experienced the same historical issues sensitive but historians and even scholars and researchers later They omitted her ostensibly weak corroboration or discredit including owners, but the orbiter for what these writers like Abū al-Faraǧ al-Is̩fahānī in his book Kitab al-aghāni and Ibn ' Abd Rabo in Al-'aqd al-farîd and even wrote Ibn Saad in Kitāb al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kabīr and ʿAli ibn al-Hasan Ibn ʿAsākir in Tārīkh madīnat Dimashq this books noted that coordinated events does not differ with the General logic is increasing as depicting the image of the political conflict in literature, it is given other interpretations of events and attitudes closer to what Ibn Khaldūn compared. And keep this invitation to Commons researchers to literary Arabic books for their important information on Arabic and Islamic historical writing and they receive new light on whole.

الكلمات المفتاحية

The political conflict; Islam history;factors;governance;authorities society; literary Arabic books