مجلة علوم الإنسان والمجتمع
Volume 11, Numéro 4, Pages 467-504

Educational Experiences Of Arab Nationalist Parties (the Arab Socialist Baath Party As A Model)

Authors : معاذ عليوي . وليد جلعود .


Abstract: The study aimed to identify the establishment of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, its role in building the Arab educational system, and to identify the most important educational experiences of the nationalist parties in the Arab countries, especially the Arab Socialist Baath Party. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the analytical and historical descriptive approach to reach adequate answers to the study's questions, verify the validity of its hypothesis, and identify the most historical monuments and stages for the emergence of the Arab Socialist Baath Party. The most important findings of the study: the Arab Socialist Baath Party employed the educational institution to extend its influence over the state, using partisan and political discourse, to turn this institution into a tool for integrating educational curricula and policies instead of being compatible with the political aspirations of the Ba’ath movement and contributing to building educational work and human development in the Arab world. Key words: Nationalism, Arab nationalism, socialism, the renewal movement, the Arab Socialist Baath Party.


Key words: Nationalism, Arab nationalism, socialism, the renewal movement, the Arab Socialist Baath Party