Revue des Economies financières bancaires et de management
Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 462-481

The Green Bonds Market In China

Authors : Khoubaiza Anfel Hadda . Mansouri Roqiya .


This paper is come to identify one of the most important market of green bonds in the world which is china, ti was issued in 2015 and since then the PRC has become a significant player in the world’s green bond market. In just five years, green bond issuance in the PRC has skyrocketed from almost none to the country becoming one of the largest issuers globally. Given the nascency of the green bond market in the PRC, In 2019, the total amount of Chinese green bonds issued in both domestic and overseas market reached USD55.8bn (RMB386.2bn), representing a 33% increase from the USD42bn.


bonds ; green bonds ; green projects ; capital markets ; china