دراسات وأبحاث
Volume 7, Numéro 20, Pages 49-72

المرأة الشنقيطية ونوازل الزينة والبدانة (وقفة مع المنحى الاجتماعي في التوجه الإفتائي)

الكاتب : محمذن بن أحمد بن المحبوبي .


A-Abstract This essay seeks to highlight the efforts of the Shankeeti (old Mauritanian) people (in particular interested scholars and jurists) in the field of jurisprudential issues and novel cases related to women. In fact, they have looked at the issues of the woman carefully and produced important theorization on them, in different levels and scopes, whether concerning women's meals organized in the form of rotation feeding system (locally called “Wengala”), in regards to the corporal volume increasing and matters of obesity and fattening (called “Teblah” in local Arabic ‘Hassania’ dialect) or concerning the problematic raised by means and tools of adornment and beauty (“Sherwita”, piercing of girls’ ears for earrings);

الكلمات المفتاحية

“Wengala”(Hassaniaa dialect), a collective contract, in virtue of which, a rotation system is applied for feeding and the supporting of meals and food supply costs, in one day of the