مجلة الباحث في العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية
Volume 5, Numéro 11, Pages 251-267

نوعية الحياة لدى المرضى المزمنين وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات

الكاتب : زعطوط رمضان . قريشي عبد الكريم .


Abstract Quality of life is one of the most relevant modern concepts focusing on patient experience dealing with chronic disease and its effects on his life, and in which clinical psychology meets health social psychology. Among numerous interpretive theories and models approaching this concept, we adopt dynamic bio-psycho-social approach to purpose an explanatory model with religiosity and distress as mediator variables between inputs represented by objective factors and biological characteristics and the quality of life as output. Correlations and differences between these three variables were explored, so we applied World Health Organization’s WhoQol Bref to assess quality of life, religiosity scale was prepared for the purpose of this study ,General health questionnaire(GHQ) is used to evaluate psychological distress, on a sample of 100 cancer patients compared to 100 healthy individuals as a control one. Results indicate that the most of cancer patients (88%) have a satisfied quality of life, whereas 12% have a low quality of life, 80% among cancer patients considered themselves religious, however, approximately 50% of them suffer from psychological distress. Among patients and healthy controls, a positive significant correlation (P < 0.001) between quality of life and religiosity and negative correlation (P < 0.001) with psychological distress, refers to the stability of the path of variables interaction. Differences in relationship according to other depending variables such as sex, age, educational, economic level and social status are observed. Based on these preliminary results we propose an explanatory model adding other determinant variables.

الكلمات المفتاحية

quality of life, chronic illness, religiosity, psychological distress