مجلة روافد للدراسات و الأبحاث العلمية في العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
Volume 6, Numéro 3, Pages 1288-1298

Quality Of Life Among Women With Chronic Renal Failure Disease

Authors : Benkemchi Fouzia .


Chronic kideny disease is one of the common chronic diseases that have led to many deaths globally. Where this study aimed to know the level of quality of life for female patients with chronic renal failure. The descriptive method was adopted. The sample consisted of 35 women with chronic kideny disease and undergoing renal dialysis in the University Hospital of Benflis Tohami in Batna and The health sector Suleiman Omairat in Barika. The sample age ranged from 20-60. The study tool was : The quality of life questionnaire (MOS SF-36). The study result is : There is a low level of quality of life for women with chronic kideny disease. Thus, this study is a reality microcosm of suffering for patients, especially in light of these changes that afflict our societies.


Social Functioning; Physical Health; Psychological Health