Volume 9, Numéro 4, Pages 554-561
Authors : Rogti Maroua . Belferd Lamia .
Technology nowadays is affecting how educators teach and how learners learn. Thus, the effective use of technology can foster the relationship between schools and communities which use teaching and learning to ensure high level of social engagement and interaction. Today, the incorporation of computer literacy into teaching classes through programming and computer literacy tasks has characterized our industrialized world. Students may be familiarized with using the computer as a tool for learning by using different computer Software including database and graphing programs, problem-solving programs, writing tools, and board communications software because they may be more productive, interactive, and communicatively competent. In order to validate this hypothesis and achieve the aim of investigating the benefits of using Computer-mediated communication (CMC) in achieving interaction in the classroom, a semi-structured interview has been conducted with a sample of EFL teachers at ENS of Laghouat to collect qualitative data which were analyzed through content analysis. The results proved that teachers who are familiar with CMC courses assured adequate responses regarding their students’ writing and grammar knowledge because they can learn at their own expense and they can have independent choices for tasks, which fit best to their learning needs and interests, regardless the needs of other students in the classroom.
Computer Software ; interaction ; Computer mediated communication ; digital learning ; self-directed learning
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Makouf Soumia
pages 572-579.
Said Houari Amel
pages 257-268.