مجلة البحوث و الدراسات الإنسانية
Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 42-68

صندوق النفقة الجزائري الجديد تجربة دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بالتشريعات العربية

الكاتب : مقدم عبد الرحيم .


It Manny that conflicts and divergences between has bawds and wines grow to the extent that continuing family life because impossible as a me kilt of this situation. One of the party – usually has bawds – go to courts to ask for divorce in order to end the conjugal link as required by law besides the problems that arise from the status of a divorced woman. The latter and the children who are under her custody. Encounter another problems relating essentially to the difficulties of receiving the maintenance allowance decided by the judge because of the inability or lack of will of the debtor. Recently appeared in Algeria what was called – divorce victim- as an acute problem as a consequence of the multitude of divorce caser it is worth making that the legislator paid attention to this issue through passing the law 15-01 relating to the institution of the maintenance allowance box as for as this study is concerned the focus will be on the law. Its dimensions and its social significance we will equally study and analyze to what extent the solutions proposed by law are efficient and benificial to this category of individuals.

الكلمات المفتاحية

maintenance allowances box - living allowance . Beneficiaries of maintenance allowance box - terms for taking profit of maintenance allowance box - procedure for taking profit of maintenance allowance box.