Volume 22, Numéro 2, Pages 57-85

Ongoing Course Of Interactive Reading Between Simplified Translation And Comprehension In Scientific Texts: A Discourse Analysis Prospect

Authors : Said Tarek .


At one time, there was revolve around the sentence solely without context. Though, drifts in translation, discourse analysis and pragmatics fetched an appeal into context. On this basis and this footing, the aim of translation has rehabilitated from training students on the grammatical features of a given isolated sentence to empowering students to interconnect effectually; henceforward the translational aspect of language has turned out to be imperative with an eye to construe, comprehend and translate a peculiar text. Consequently, the extant paper challenges to advance beginners' translational competence through the course of reading skills over-furnishing with some pedagogical instructions that possibly will assist instructors in the classroom. The translational system is, therefore, amalgamated into the foreign language classroom through the process of reading skills in contemplation of interactive communication. In an initial descriptive methodology through which an easy ongoing reading can serve to detect linguistic simplification and scientific texts comprehension. Based on the translator’s schematic knowledge we may conclude that translators should boost learners to read scientific sentences and texts with comprehension that would be first to assist them enhance their general English proficiency, which embraces vocabulary and syntax. The second phase would be to thrust them become aware and manipulators of good reading strategies such as paraphrasing and accessing prior knowledge.


Context ; grammatical features ; reading skill ; translation translational competence