مجلة البحوث و الدراسات الإنسانية
Volume 10, Numéro 3, Pages 9-30

العنصر العربي بالمسيلة وقلعة بني حماد خلال العصر الوسيط "قراءة في الأدوار والتأثيرات".

الكاتب : مبــــارك بشبـــر .


The use of history in the Algerian novel is considered as a remarkable artistic phenomena where there is a direct use of history relied on memory and different generations to transmit historical facts. Also, there is a symbolic use of history in which the creator inspired from it to fill, repair and explain the missing information that weren't mentioned ever before. This is through blending between history-fact and aesthetic imagination I will try through this study to show the evident use of history in the historic novel of "Abd El Malek Mortadh" "The Deluge" which mixed between what is historical and narrative according to a thematic analytical approach

الكلمات المفتاحية

The Algerian Novel- history- aesthetic imagination – thematic