مجلة الأحمدي للدراسات اللغوية والنقدية والترجمة
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 227-248

وظائف التركيب الخبري من حيث الدلالة في البلاغة العربية Functions Of Declarative Structure In Terms Of Significance In Arabic Rhetoric

الكاتب : بلقاسم جيياب .


The declarative structure is a field of studying the text rhetorically and pragmatically, in that it is equal to the perception of ancient Arabic rhetoric and pragmatic linguistics. The context and the position between the literal significance of the composition and the intended meaning of the sender and receiver of the speech. The problem of the study is formulated as follows: What is the concept of news structure rhetorically, functionally and pragmatically? How can the rhetorical lesson be used to enrich the modern pragmatic linguistic lesson to study declarative structures?

الكلمات المفتاحية

Constructing Information Arabic Rhetoric Pragmatic functional information Linguistic lesson Context Reciever Sender