مجلة الأحمدي للدراسات اللغوية والنقدية والترجمة
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 55-66

أبعاد الممارسة الجدلية للتلقي بين منتج النص وقارئ النّص Dimensions Of The Argumentative Practice Of Receiving Between The Writer And The Reader

الكاتب : ربيعة حمادي .


This study seeks to demonstrate that recitation is a common process between the receiving writer and the receiving reader as well, as both exercise this function in their own way using their own cognitive, aesthetic and literary tools, and because it is a practice that is based on the produced text, the reader then takes his position behind the text or behind it, while the writer The reader is positioned before the text. In this regard, it can be said that the attempt to capture the act of reading and what follows it from the activities behind the text is a kind of omission of an important aspect of the sources of the text, while it is necessary to place the reception process before the text because the creative reception is basically a fundamental process in the formation of the text semantic and aesthetically. Stylisticall

الكلمات المفتاحية

Text Reception. Reader writer