مجلة الأحمدي للدراسات اللغوية والنقدية والترجمة
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 29-46
الكاتب : السعيد حمودي .
This article deals with the subject of educational foundations to achieve the linguistic competence of learners, by defining the nature of the language as defined by Abdul Qaher Al-Jorjani, as well as defining the procedural foundations in the establishment process. For linguistic competence Including linking the communicative competence of the learner with the elements of the effective communication process, and focusing on the speech and expression component as an effective element in linguistic achievement.
ranking language proficiency achievement listening queen
محمد السعيد بن سعد
السعيد حمودي
يمينة حساني
ص 6-14.
حـــدّار عـــيــدة
ص 286-306.