مجلة البشائر الاقتصادية
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 1069-1087

Prospects For Developing The Renewable Energy Sector In Algeria - A Prospective Study Using The Micmac Structural Analysis Technique

Authors : Ziani Bey Seyf Eddine . Zarouat Fatima Zohra .


The study aims to highlight Algeria's potential of renewable energies (solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy ... etc.). It also seeks to deal with the problem of energy transformation in Algeria on the horizons of 2030 as a result of the increasing global interest in the environment and the prevailing fears of the depletion of non-renewable resources. Thus it was necessary for the authorities to adopt clear future strategies that keep pace with this transformation. We relied on the descriptive approach to answer the problematic, in addition to the structural analysis using the Micmac. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: the renewable energy sector still represents a marginal role in the mix energy, and in order to activate the renewable energy sector, the government had to review the laws and legislations that govern the energy sector, encourage innovation, openness to the outside world, and introduce Modern high-tech technology that contributes to improve the quality of the product


Key Words: Renewable Energy ; Investment ; Energy Programs and Policies ;Micmac ;Algeria